Z okazji Światowego Dnia Wody oraz 15-lecia Gdańskiej Infrastruktury Wodociągowo – Kanalizacyjnej odbyła się premiera jubileuszowej wystawy „15 lat GIWK. Poznajcie nas. Historie współczesne”.

Więcej informacji i zdjęć w zakładce “Nasze eventy” 🙂




Opracowanie koncepcji oraz organizacja gry parkowej, przygotowanie materiałów graficznych, infrastruktura, obsługa osobowa.

An event in a rustic, warm, cozy and homey style. The main motifs: simplicity, coziness and striving for nature. A bright and warm color palette: smoky green, pastels, delicate blue. Surroundings full of balloon decorations, colorful cushions, blankets, lanterns with candles, garlands, wooden crates, pots with vivid flowers and a wide range of materials in various interesting arrangements.
During this year's edition, we celebrated Women's Day for 2 days. There were many attractions in the thematic zones in the form of cosmetic treatments, practical advice, free tests and consultations with specialists. It was a place where partners and foundations took care of you. Two days were filled with meetings with experts, competitions and services, including: - body, face and hair treatments - meeting with a trichologist - consultations with a personal trainer - stylist advice - free makeup service - memory and concentration exercises
Corporate event in survival theme for over 100 people organized in two parts: Orienteering Run and Commando Exam. Striking the fire, minefield, climbing wall, raft evacuation, balance board and other numerous survival tasks were met with incredible involvement of the participants. A day full of adrenaline, sweat and great fun ended with a gala dinner and dance party until late hours. Task completed!