A marketing event for the celebration of World Water Day 2016 in Gdańsk. 2016 Beach climate in the city centre, defeating winter and summoning summer! Attractions: a special photo studio attracting not only the residents of Gdańsk, but also many tourists! A unique vote for locating Gdańsk foggers – water sprinklers refreshing on hot days!


Gdańsk, surrounding Cinema City Krewetka


Organization of a photographic studio, preparation of graphic materials and promotional gadgets, service of the event

Z okazji Światowego Dnia Wody oraz 15-lecia Gdańskiej Infrastruktury Wodociągowo - Kanalizacyjnej odbyła się premiera jubileuszowej wystawy „15 lat GIWK. Poznajcie nas. Historie współczesne”. Więcej informacji i zdjęć w zakładce "Nasze eventy" :-)
An event in a rustic, warm, cozy and homey style. The main motifs: simplicity, coziness and striving for nature. A bright and warm color palette: smoky green, pastels, delicate blue. Surroundings full of balloon decorations, colorful cushions, blankets, lanterns with candles, garlands, wooden crates, pots with vivid flowers and a wide range of materials in various interesting arrangements.