Eco-energy picnic as a part of the Energy Days of the city of Pruszcz Gdanski was organized under the slogan “We share energy!”. The attractions were prepared in three zones: Energy, Knowledge and Relaxation. The participants had the opportunity to use trampolines, outdoor games and take part in zumba, fitness, family games, artistic wall and ecological workshops. It was time full of ecology, energy but especially quality time with families.


Pruszcz Gdański


Opracowanie koncepcji wydarzenia. Kompleksowa organizacja: dobór atrakcji, materiały graficzne, infrastruktura, oprawa techniczna, obsługa osobowa.

Z okazji Światowego Dnia Wody oraz 15-lecia Gdańskiej Infrastruktury Wodociągowo - Kanalizacyjnej odbyła się premiera jubileuszowej wystawy „15 lat GIWK. Poznajcie nas. Historie współczesne”. Więcej informacji i zdjęć w zakładce "Nasze eventy" :-)
An integrated safety event and spectacular fire-fighting demonstration! There was action, there was adrenaline, there were emotions! How to extinguish the fire? How to evacuate people from the building? Rolling and collision simulations, evacuation from the vehicle and first aid instructions! Fire fighters and extinguishing of flammable liquids! Tasks involved both cooperation and honorable competition. A thrilling day of security ended with integration during the evening fun.