A marketing event for the celebration of World Water Day 2016 in Gdańsk. 2016 Beach climate in the city centre, defeating winter and summoning summer! Attractions: a special photo studio attracting not only the residents of Gdańsk, but also many tourists! A unique vote for locating Gdańsk foggers – water sprinklers refreshing on hot days!


Gdańsk, surrounding Cinema City Krewetka


Organization of a photographic studio, preparation of graphic materials and promotional gadgets, service of the event

Family picnic for employees on the beach in Sopot. Fun attractions for children and adults! The event area was divided into zones, including recreational equipment, animations, and workshops. High emotions filled the competition of the company's employees during the volleyball and bubble football tournament!
Z okazji Światowego Dnia Wody oraz 15-lecia Gdańskiej Infrastruktury Wodociągowo - Kanalizacyjnej odbyła się premiera jubileuszowej wystawy „15 lat GIWK. Poznajcie nas. Historie współczesne”. Więcej informacji i zdjęć w zakładce "Nasze eventy" :-)
On the last weekend of September, on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the company Gdanskie Wody, we organized a family picnic next to the Chlopska reservoir in Gdansk. The main theme were clouds which were the main character of three picnic zones: the zone of dreams, the rational zone and the relaxation zone. It was time full of entertainment, education and positive energy. We would like to thank Gdańsk Water for photos!