Family picnic for employees on the beach in Sopot. Fun attractions for children and adults! The event area was divided into zones, including recreational equipment, animations, and workshops. High emotions filled the competition of the company’s employees during the volleyball and bubble football tournament!


City beach in Sopot


Development of an event concept. Comprehensive organization: facility rental, selection of attractions, infrastructure, technical setting, personnel service.

A marketing event for the celebration of World Water Day 2016 in Gdańsk. 2016 Beach climate in the city centre, defeating winter and summoning summer! Attractions: a special photo studio attracting not only the residents of Gdańsk, but also many tourists! A unique vote for locating Gdańsk foggers - water sprinklers refreshing on hot days!
During this year's edition, we celebrated Women's Day for 2 days. There were many attractions in the thematic zones in the form of cosmetic treatments, practical advice, free tests and consultations with specialists. It was a place where partners and foundations took care of you. Two days were filled with meetings with experts, competitions and services, including: - body, face and hair treatments - meeting with a trichologist - consultations with a personal trainer - stylist advice - free makeup service - memory and concentration exercises
For 4 days together with exceptional ladies we celebrated Women's Day. There were many attractions in the thematic zones such as cosmetic treatments, practical advice, free tests and consultations with specialists. Our numerous "brainstorms" at the stage of creating the event paid off and we could follow it in the communication of the largest shopping center in northern Poland.