Integration of Deltamarin employees and their families in beautiful surroundings…
We organize events, so we also need to track event industry in our country and wideworld. Today especially for you we chose 10 of the most interesting and the most spectacular and original events from around the world. We hope you will enjoy it and maybe can add something from yourself in this topic? So, 3 …. 2 …. 1 …. start!
Event organization is our passion. We treat each project individually and with the same care and enthusiasm. However, sometimes some slips happen to us as well – in event industry we call it fuck ups. It often happens not because our fault, but higher power.
The wedding season is already in full swing, and that’s what tempted us for this post:-) Who even once dreamed to experience your wedding as it is shown in American movies? It seems to us that Brides imagine her wedding on the beach, over the lake, in the middle of the forest or surrounded by mountains.
In one of the last posts we wrote that from last year in Poland you can organize a civil wedding anywhere in the outdoors. On the one hand, we have more choices of the places, and on the other hand, there are some restrictions that depend on the regulation of the institution responsible for chosen area.
There are so many things to remember when organizing events, even a small detail is really important. As an event agency, our job is to ensure that nothing affects the customer’s satisfaction and any mistakes remain unnoticed.
An integration event for 110 employees with the attraction – the Goldberg machine. Tasks performed requiring not only a technical sense, but also cooperation …