

An integration event for 110 employees with the attraction – the Goldberg machine. Tasks performed requiring not only a technical sense, but also cooperation and commitment in groups. Fun, interpersonal exercises and promotion of the company’s values were the main principles of the implemented concept. A ceremonial dinner served in the tent hall with a spectacular visual setting and dancing fun crowning a day full of impressions.




Development of the event concept, logistics and accommodation. Comprehensive service of the event: attraction selection, stage technology, visual setting, personal service.

The launch of the new Nissan Micra - the highest standards and exceptional visual effects of the event! 130 employees and partners of the company participated in the conference and official dinner. The program included a tour of the European Solidarity Centre. ...
Track to detox 2, the next edition of the Family Run. In this sports event, which was celebrated for the 5th time this year, took part over two thousand people. Great weather, family atmosphere, different attractions, 50-kk cake - all this was waiting for the ...
Picnic during another edition of a family run. Nearly 2,000 participants actively participated in the picnic attractions in the unique circumstances of the Jelitkowo Park in Gdańsk! Detox was shown in a broad perspective of a healthy and conscious lifestyle - ...